Records for Albuquerque Area, New Mexico (ABQthr) on 09-20
Record Highs
1: 93°F (1956)
2: 91°F (2014)
3: 91°F (1935)
Record Lows
1: 34°F (1912)
2: 38°F (1971)
3: 43°F (1916)
Lowest Highs
1: 66°F (2022)
2: 65°F (2010)
3: 64°F (1962)
Highest Lows
1: 64°F (1965)
2: 66°F (1985)
3: 68°F (1991)
Highest September temperature:
100°F on 09-05-1979.
Lowest September temperature:
26°F on 09-22-1912.
Average temperature is 69°F
Average high is 81.2°F
Average low is 56.8°F
Temperature data from 1891 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 0.95" (1974)
2: 0.66" (2007)
3: 0.60" (1940)
Precipitation data from 1891 to 2022.