Records for Bettles Area, Alaska (BTTthr) on 10-08
Record Highs
1: 49°F (2003)
2: 46°F (2020)
3: 45°F (1969)
Record Lows
1: -4°F (1988)
2: 0°F (1994)
3: 1°F (2000)
Lowest Highs
1: 36°F (2006)
2: 36°F (1964)
3: 35°F (1985)
Highest Lows
1: 15°F (1988)
2: 17°F (1996)
3: 21°F (1960)
Highest October temperature:
59°F on 10-01-2018.
Lowest October temperature:
-35°F on 10-31-1992.
Average temperature is 28.2°F
Average high is 35.3°F
Average low is 21.2°F
Temperature data from 1944 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 0.79" (1963)
2: 0.26" (2022)
3: 0.25" (2019)
Precipitation data from 1944 to 2022.