Records for Caesars Head Area, South Carolina (CAES1thr) on 07-03
Record Highs
1: 91°F (1970)
2: 90°F (1954)
3: 88°F (1997)
Record Lows
1: 44°F (1932)
2: 52°F (2007)
3: 52°F (2006)
Lowest Highs
1: 69°F (1997)
2: 69°F (1986)
3: 69°F (1954)
Highest Lows
1: 66°F (2003)
2: 66°F (1989)
3: 67°F (1943)
Highest July temperature:
99°F on 07-29-1952.
Lowest July temperature:
44°F on 07-03-1932.
Average temperature is 70.5°F
Average high is 77.6°F
Average low is 63.3°F
Temperature data from 1925 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 2.43" (1964)
2: 1.22" (1995)
3: 1.01" (2003)
Precipitation data from 1924 to 2022.