Records for Carbondale Area, Illinois (MDHthr) on 05-16
Record Highs
1: 93°F (1911)
2: 91°F (2001)
3: 91°F (1944)
Record Lows
1: 34°F (1997)
2: 36°F (1959)
3: 40°F (1956)
Lowest Highs
1: 69°F (1944)
2: 69°F (1899)
3: 68°F (2015)
Highest Lows
1: 55°F (2016)
2: 60°F (2014)
3: 60°F (1978)
Highest May temperature:
101°F on 05-28-1911.
Lowest May temperature:
29°F on 05-01-1903.
Average temperature is 65.9°F
Average high is 76.5°F
Average low is 55.2°F
Temperature data from 1898 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 3.27" (1948)
2: 1.45" (1920)
3: 1.20" (1919)
Precipitation data from 1898 to 2022.