Records for Caribou Area, Maine (CARthr) on 02-15
Record Highs
1: 43°F (1984)
2: 42°F (1939)
3: 41°F (2018)
Record Lows
1: -29°F (1943)
2: -24°F (2020)
3: -20°F (2004)
Lowest Highs
1: 35°F (1984)
2: 32°F (1972)
3: 25°F (2018)
Highest Lows
1: -6°F (2003)
2: -1°F (1943)
3: 0°F (2004)
Highest February temperature:
59°F on 02-20-1994.
Lowest February temperature:
-41°F on 02-01-1955.
Average temperature is 14.1°F
Average high is 24°F
Average low is 4.2°F
Temperature data from 1939 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 0.76" (1944)
2: 0.54" (1973)
3: 0.54" (1953)
Precipitation data from 1939 to 2022.