Records for Clarksburg Area, West Virginia (CKBthr) on 06-11
Record Highs
1: 93°F (1967)
2: 92°F (1947)
3: 92°F (1940)
Record Lows
1: 35°F (1972)
2: 40°F (1988)
3: 41°F (2006)
Lowest Highs
1: 70°F (2005)
2: 69°F (1967)
3: 69°F (1927)
Highest Lows
1: 64°F (1988)
2: 64°F (1972)
3: 65°F (1930)
Highest June temperature:
100°F on 06-05-1925.
Lowest June temperature:
33°F on 06-06-1945.
Average temperature is 69.3°F
Average high is 81.1°F
Average low is 57.5°F
Temperature data from 1922 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.74" (2004)
2: 1.38" (1963)
3: 1.18" (1954)
Precipitation data from 1922 to 2022.