Records for Concordia Area, Kansas (CNKthr) on 12-13
Record Highs
1: 75°F (1921)
2: 68°F (1988)
3: 64°F (1890)
Record Lows
1: -8°F (1985)
2: -8°F (1917)
3: -7°F (1961)
Lowest Highs
1: 48°F (2014)
2: 40°F (1921)
3: 39°F (2008)
Highest Lows
1: 8°F (1917)
2: 9°F (1985)
3: 10°F (1926)
Highest December temperature:
82°F on 12-23-1964.
Lowest December temperature:
-26°F on 12-22-1989.
Average temperature is 30.6°F
Average high is 40.6°F
Average low is 20.6°F
Temperature data from 1885 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.91" (2015)
2: 1.08" (1993)
3: 0.68" (1992)
Precipitation data from 1885 to 2022.