Records for Daytona Beach Area, Florida (DABthr) on 11-19
Record Highs
1: 88°F (1948)
2: 87°F (1998)
3: 85°F (2000)
Record Lows
1: 34°F (1951)
2: 36°F (1970)
3: 37°F (2014)
Lowest Highs
1: 74°F (1985)
2: 73°F (2015)
3: 70°F (1991)
Highest Lows
1: 58°F (2014)
2: 58°F (2012)
3: 59°F (1951)
Highest November temperature:
90°F on 11-02-2015.
Lowest November temperature:
25°F on 11-17-1940.
Average temperature is 66.2°F
Average high is 75.5°F
Average low is 57°F
Temperature data from 1923 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.00" (1986)
2: 0.59" (1952)
3: 0.56" (1948)
Precipitation data from 1923 to 2022.