Records for Delta Junction Area, Alaska (BIGthr) on 06-20
Record Highs
1: 88°F (1958)
2: 87°F (1967)
3: 86°F (2004)
Record Lows
1: 38°F (1941)
2: 41°F (1951)
3: 42°F (2014)
Lowest Highs
1: 61°F (2015)
2: 58°F (2004)
3: 58°F (1958)
Highest Lows
1: 53°F (2005)
2: 54°F (1948)
3: 57°F (1994)
Highest June temperature:
92°F on 06-15-1969.
Lowest June temperature:
26°F on 06-05-2006.
Average temperature is 60.1°F
Average high is 69.7°F
Average low is 50.4°F
Temperature data from 1917 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.44" (1975)
2: 1.35" (1948)
3: 0.92" (1988)
Precipitation data from 1919 to 2022.