Records for Flagstaff Area, Arizona (FLGthr) on 05-14

previous day (05-13) next day (05-15)
Record Highs
Record Lows
Lowest Highs
Highest Lows
Highest May temperature:
89°F on 05-31-2002.
Lowest May temperature:
7°F on 05-03-1915.
Average temperature is 50.7°F
Average high is 67.1°F
Average low is 34.2°F
Temperature data from 1898 to 2022.

Record Precipitation
Precipitation data from 1898 to 2022.
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Record temperature data from ThreadEx version 18.2 (includes data through 2022). Averages from NCDC 1991-2020 U.S. Climate Normals.