Records for Flint Area, Michigan (FNTthr) on 04-07
Record Highs
1: 83°F (2021)
2: 83°F (1929)
3: 82°F (1991)
Record Lows
1: 6°F (1982)
2: 16°F (2018)
3: 17°F (1990)
Lowest Highs
1: 60°F (1991)
2: 60°F (1929)
3: 53°F (2021)
Highest Lows
1: 27°F (1972)
2: 29°F (2007)
3: 30°F (1982)
Highest April temperature:
88°F on 04-23-1925.
Lowest April temperature:
6°F on 04-07-1982.
Average temperature is 42.6°F
Average high is 52.9°F
Average low is 32.4°F
Temperature data from 1921 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 0.87" (2010)
2: 0.65" (2006)
3: 0.65" (1928)
Precipitation data from 1921 to 2022.