Records for Georgetown Area, Delaware (GEDthr) on 01-18
Record Highs
1: 66°F (2006)
2: 66°F (1990)
3: 63°F (1999)
Record Lows
1: -12°F (1957)
2: -10°F (1965)
3: -4°F (1977)
Lowest Highs
1: 46°F (2017)
2: 43°F (1952)
3: 42°F (1995)
Highest Lows
1: 14°F (1977)
2: 21°F (2005)
3: 21°F (2000)
Highest January temperature:
77°F on 01-30-2002.
Lowest January temperature:
-13°F on 01-28-1987.
Average temperature is 36.5°F
Average high is 44.8°F
Average low is 28.3°F
Temperature data from 1945 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.24" (2015)
2: 1.20" (1978)
3: 0.87" (1970)
Precipitation data from 1945 to 2022.