Records for Great Falls Area, Montana (GTFthr) on 10-04
Record Highs
1: 86°F (1979)
2: 86°F (1943)
3: 86°F (1892)
Record Lows
1: 18°F (1916)
2: 21°F (1957)
3: 21°F (1898)
Lowest Highs
1: 62°F (1947)
2: 57°F (1970)
3: 57°F (1929)
Highest Lows
1: 29°F (1957)
2: 32°F (1898)
3: 34°F (1914)
Highest October temperature:
91°F on 10-01-1992.
Lowest October temperature:
-11°F on 10-30-1991.
Average temperature is 51.9°F
Average high is 64.2°F
Average low is 39.6°F
Temperature data from 1891 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 0.84" (1992)
2: 0.71" (1913)
3: 0.41" (1927)
Precipitation data from 1891 to 2022.