Records for Hanford Area, California (HJOthr) on 12-04
Record Highs
1: 77°F (1979)
2: 72°F (1958)
3: 71°F (1940)
Record Lows
1: 21°F (2004)
2: 22°F (1916)
3: 24°F (2005)
Lowest Highs
1: 51°F (1961)
2: 50°F (2019)
3: 49°F (2014)
Highest Lows
1: 41°F (1963)
2: 45°F (2000)
3: 45°F (1965)
Highest December temperature:
80°F on 12-08-2006.
Lowest December temperature:
15°F on 12-24-1990.
Average temperature is 48°F
Average high is 59.1°F
Average low is 36.9°F
Temperature data from 1899 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 0.67" (1974)
2: 0.66" (1954)
3: 0.48" (1957)
Precipitation data from 1899 to 2022.