Records for Indianapolis Area, Indiana (INDthr) on 12-26
Record Highs
1: 67°F (1875)
2: 66°F (2016)
3: 65°F (2019)
Record Lows
1: -5°F (1983)
2: -4°F (1925)
3: -4°F (1903)
Lowest Highs
1: 47°F (1971)
2: 47°F (1959)
3: 46°F (2019)
Highest Lows
1: 9°F (1892)
2: 12°F (1925)
3: 14°F (1903)
Highest December temperature:
74°F on 12-02-1982.
Lowest December temperature:
-23°F on 12-22-1989.
Average temperature is 29.2°F
Average high is 36.4°F
Average low is 22°F
Temperature data from 1871 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.22" (1904)
2: 1.13" (1895)
3: 0.98" (2015)
Precipitation data from 1871 to 2022.