Records for Kotzebue Area, Alaska (OTZthr) on 07-09
Record Highs
1: 82°F (1946)
2: 80°F (1968)
3: 77°F (1950)
Record Lows
1: 34°F (1964)
2: 36°F (2000)
3: 38°F (1984)
Lowest Highs
1: 63°F (1972)
2: 61°F (1968)
3: 59°F (2017)
Highest Lows
1: 39°F (1964)
2: 41°F (2000)
3: 43°F (1936)
Highest July temperature:
85°F on 07-05-1958.
Lowest July temperature:
30°F on 07-02-1976.
Average temperature is 57.1°F
Average high is 62.2°F
Average low is 52°F
Temperature data from 1902 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 0.89" (1975)
2: 0.72" (1952)
3: 0.45" (1971)
Precipitation data from 1902 to 2022.