Records for Little Rock Area, Arkansas (LITthr) on 01-27
Record Highs
1: 80°F (1975)
2: 74°F (1914)
3: 71°F (1947)
Record Lows
1: 8°F (1963)
2: 12°F (1897)
3: 13°F (1940)
Lowest Highs
1: 59°F (1911)
2: 54°F (1968)
3: 54°F (1914)
Highest Lows
1: 23°F (1897)
2: 24°F (1963)
3: 25°F (1961)
Highest January temperature:
83°F on 01-25-1950.
Lowest January temperature:
-8°F on 01-12-1918.
Average temperature is 41.3°F
Average high is 51.5°F
Average low is 31.1°F
Temperature data from 1879 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.94" (1957)
2: 1.63" (1883)
3: 1.45" (1949)
Precipitation data from 1875 to 2022.