Records for Little Rock Area, Arkansas (LITthr) on 10-18
Record Highs
1: 91°F (2005)
2: 90°F (1963)
3: 90°F (1953)
Record Lows
1: 33°F (1976)
2: 34°F (1948)
3: 37°F (2009)
Lowest Highs
1: 69°F (1938)
2: 68°F (2016)
3: 68°F (1905)
Highest Lows
1: 51°F (1989)
2: 56°F (2022)
3: 57°F (1966)
Highest October temperature:
98°F on 10-15-2015.
Lowest October temperature:
27°F on 10-30-1917.
Average temperature is 61.7°F
Average high is 73.5°F
Average low is 50°F
Temperature data from 1879 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 5.11" (1984)
2: 2.53" (1916)
3: 1.81" (1905)
Precipitation data from 1875 to 2022.