Records for Majuro Area, Marshall Islands (KMRthr) on 10-25
Record Highs
1: 90°F (2018)
2: 89°F (1995)
3: 89°F (1992)
Record Lows
1: 71°F (1966)
2: 73°F (1991)
3: 73°F (1978)
Lowest Highs
1: 82°F (2020)
2: 82°F (2017)
3: 82°F (2006)
Highest Lows
1: 81°F (1977)
2: 82°F (1975)
3: 82°F (1972)
Highest October temperature:
93°F on 10-16-2016.
Lowest October temperature:
70°F on 10-23-1984.
Average temperature is 82.4°F
Average high is 86.7°F
Average low is 78.1°F
Temperature data from 1951 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 3.64" (1977)
2: 2.68" (1966)
3: 2.67" (1999)
Precipitation data from 1951 to 2022.