Records for Philadelphia Center City Area, Pennsylvania (PFIP1thr) on 07-22
Record Highs
1: 104°F (2011)
2: 100°F (2019)
3: 100°F (2005)
Record Lows
1: 60°F (1944)
2: 63°F (1950)
3: 65°F (2012)
Lowest Highs
1: 86°F (2011)
2: 80°F (2022)
3: 80°F (1998)
Highest Lows
1: 75°F (1996)
2: 80°F (1997)
3: 80°F (1976)
Highest July temperature:
104°F on 07-05-1999.
Lowest July temperature:
55°F on 07-01-1943.
Average temperature is 80.5°F
Average high is 89.3°F
Average low is 71.7°F
Temperature data from 1942 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.95" (2006)
2: 0.47" (1948)
3: 0.39" (1997)
Precipitation data from 1942 to 2022.