Records for Philadelphia Area, Pennsylvania (PHLthr) on 10-16
Record Highs
1: 88°F (1897)
2: 85°F (1881)
3: 84°F (1989)
Record Lows
1: 31°F (1876)
2: 32°F (1944)
3: 38°F (1978)
Lowest Highs
1: 66°F (1879)
2: 64°F (1914)
3: 64°F (1882)
Highest Lows
1: 46°F (2009)
2: 49°F (1893)
3: 50°F (1883)
Highest October temperature:
96°F on 10-05-1941.
Lowest October temperature:
25°F on 10-24-1969.
Average temperature is 59.5°F
Average high is 68°F
Average low is 50.9°F
Temperature data from 1873 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.60" (1974)
2: 1.33" (1914)
3: 1.14" (2019)
Precipitation data from 1871 to 2022.