Records for Plattsburgh Area, New York (PBGthr) on 08-18
Record Highs
1: 91°F (2009)
2: 91°F (2002)
3: 90°F (1956)
Record Lows
1: 43°F (2000)
2: 45°F (1981)
3: 46°F (1984)
Lowest Highs
1: 73°F (1969)
2: 71°F (1959)
3: 67°F (2021)
Highest Lows
1: 66°F (1951)
2: 67°F (1958)
3: 68°F (2007)
Highest August temperature:
101°F on 08-01-1975.
Lowest August temperature:
38°F on 08-28-1957.
Average temperature is 67.6°F
Average high is 78.8°F
Average low is 56.3°F
Temperature data from 1945 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 0.87" (2017)
2: 0.69" (1994)
3: 0.51" (1949)
Precipitation data from 1945 to 2022.