Records for Poplar Bluff Area, Missouri (POFthr) on 10-15
Record Highs
1: 90°F (1963)
2: 89°F (1938)
3: 89°F (1924)
Record Lows
1: 31°F (1937)
2: 32°F (1939)
3: 33°F (1961)
Lowest Highs
1: 66°F (1928)
2: 64°F (1962)
3: 63°F (1984)
Highest Lows
1: 54°F (2009)
2: 56°F (1986)
3: 56°F (1937)
Highest October temperature:
96°F on 10-02-1953.
Lowest October temperature:
17°F on 10-29-1952.
Average temperature is 60.2°F
Average high is 72.5°F
Average low is 47.9°F
Temperature data from 1893 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.24" (1941)
2: 1.18" (1974)
3: 0.80" (2013)
Precipitation data from 1893 to 2022.