Records for Richmond Area, Virginia (RICthr) on 06-07
Record Highs
1: 100°F (2008)
2: 99°F (1984)
3: 98°F (1899)
Record Lows
1: 48°F (1945)
2: 50°F (1998)
3: 51°F (1991)
Lowest Highs
1: 76°F (1899)
2: 73°F (1994)
3: 73°F (1984)
Highest Lows
1: 60°F (1927)
2: 61°F (1997)
3: 67°F (1912)
Highest June temperature:
104°F on 06-26-1952.
Lowest June temperature:
40°F on 06-02-1967.
Average temperature is 72.7°F
Average high is 83.3°F
Average low is 62.2°F
Temperature data from 1897 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 2.67" (2013)
2: 1.69" (2019)
3: 1.68" (1913)
Precipitation data from 1887 to 2022.