Records for Rochester Area, Minnesota (RSTthr) on 03-18
Record Highs
1: 80°F (2012)
2: 60°F (2010)
3: 60°F (1945)
Record Lows
1: -8°F (1993)
2: -4°F (1941)
3: -3°F (1939)
Lowest Highs
1: 61°F (2012)
2: 46°F (1968)
3: 39°F (2003)
Highest Lows
1: 11°F (1965)
2: 13°F (1989)
3: 18°F (1939)
Highest March temperature:
82°F on 03-24-1910.
Lowest March temperature:
-31°F on 03-01-1962.
Average temperature is 32.7°F
Average high is 40.9°F
Average low is 24.5°F
Temperature data from 1886 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.49" (2005)
2: 0.77" (1986)
3: 0.65" (1951)
Precipitation data from 1886 to 2022.