Records for Salina Area, Kansas (SLNthr) on 01-22
Record Highs
1: 67°F (1938)
2: 66°F (2002)
3: 64°F (1976)
Record Lows
1: -9°F (1930)
2: -4°F (1926)
3: -3°F (1959)
Lowest Highs
1: 38°F (1933)
2: 37°F (1992)
3: 36°F (1921)
Highest Lows
1: 16°F (1962)
2: 16°F (1960)
3: 16°F (1915)
Highest January temperature:
78°F on 01-10-1990.
Lowest January temperature:
-28°F on 01-08-1913.
Average temperature is 30.9°F
Average high is 41.7°F
Average low is 20.1°F
Temperature data from 1900 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 0.47" (1965)
2: 0.38" (1982)
3: 0.26" (1977)
Precipitation data from 1900 to 2022.