Records for Salina Area, Kansas (SLNthr) on 11-25
Record Highs
1: 71°F (1960)
2: 71°F (1933)
3: 69°F (2015)
Record Lows
1: 8°F (1993)
2: 13°F (1975)
3: 16°F (1924)
Lowest Highs
1: 53°F (2015)
2: 48°F (2011)
3: 44°F (1984)
Highest Lows
1: 20°F (1975)
2: 26°F (1993)
3: 33°F (1992)
Highest November temperature:
89°F on 11-08-2006.
Lowest November temperature:
-5°F on 11-28-1952.
Average temperature is 39.4°F
Average high is 50.5°F
Average low is 28.4°F
Temperature data from 1900 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 0.90" (1944)
2: 0.89" (1978)
3: 0.81" (2018)
Precipitation data from 1900 to 2022.