Records for Saranac Lake Area, New York (SLKthr) on 01-26
Record Highs
1: 57°F (1950)
2: 53°F (1967)
3: 51°F (1916)
Record Lows
1: -36°F (2004)
2: -34°F (1945)
3: -32°F (1912)
Lowest Highs
1: 35°F (1950)
2: 32°F (1916)
3: 31°F (2020)
Highest Lows
1: -4°F (2007)
2: -4°F (1945)
3: 0°F (1939)
Highest January temperature:
62°F on 01-22-1906.
Lowest January temperature:
-46°F on 01-19-1904.
Average temperature is 13.1°F
Average high is 22.8°F
Average low is 3.4°F
Temperature data from 1903 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 0.44" (1990)
2: 0.40" (1979)
3: 0.40" (1925)
Precipitation data from 1903 to 2022.