Records for Savannah Area, Georgia (SAVthr) on 02-05
Record Highs
1: 82°F (2008)
2: 82°F (1957)
3: 81°F (1899)
Record Lows
1: 15°F (1917)
2: 18°F (1996)
3: 19°F (1886)
Lowest Highs
1: 61°F (1986)
2: 61°F (1883)
3: 60°F (1943)
Highest Lows
1: 35°F (1905)
2: 35°F (1886)
3: 36°F (1917)
Highest February temperature:
87°F on 02-25-2018.
Lowest February temperature:
8°F on 02-13-1899.
Average temperature is 52.2°F
Average high is 63.1°F
Average low is 41.3°F
Temperature data from 1874 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 2.36" (1960)
2: 1.63" (1922)
3: 1.29" (1956)
Precipitation data from 1871 to 2022.