Records for Talkeetna Area, Alaska (TKAthr) on 08-05
Record Highs
1: 83°F (1968)
2: 83°F (1934)
3: 82°F (2017)
Record Lows
1: 32°F (1935)
2: 36°F (1947)
3: 38°F (1938)
Lowest Highs
1: 59°F (2019)
2: 57°F (2018)
3: 57°F (2015)
Highest Lows
1: 53°F (1973)
2: 55°F (1998)
3: 56°F (1987)
Highest August temperature:
89°F on 08-02-2002.
Lowest August temperature:
25°F on 08-23-1974.
Average temperature is 58.8°F
Average high is 67.2°F
Average low is 50.5°F
Temperature data from 1918 to 2022.
Record Precipitation
1: 1.99" (2022)
2: 1.15" (1930)
3: 0.99" (1949)
Precipitation data from 1918 to 2022.